Pycorrelate examples

This notebook shows howto use pycorrelate as well as comparisons with other implementations.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import h5py
In [2]:
# Tweak here matplotlib style
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'].insert(0, 'Arial')
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
%matplotlib inline
In [3]:
import pycorrelate as pyc

Load Data

We start by downloading some timestamps data:

In [4]:
url = ''
pyc.utils.download_file(url, save_dir='data')
File: 0023uLRpitc_NTP_20dT_0.5GndCl.hdf5

Downloaded  6.4 /  6.4 MB
In [5]:
fname = './data/' + url.split('/')[-1]
h5 = h5py.File(fname)
unit = 12.5e-9
In [6]:
num_ph = int(3e6)
detectors = h5['photon_data']['detectors'][:num_ph]
timestamps = h5['photon_data']['timestamps'][:num_ph]
t = timestamps[detectors == 0]
u = timestamps[detectors == 1]
In [7]:
t.shape, u.shape, t[0], u[0]
((839592,), (1844370,), 146847, 188045)
In [8]:
t.max()*unit, u.max()*unit
(599.99944191249995, 599.99847228750002)

Timestamps need to be monotonic, let’s test it:

In [9]:
assert (np.diff(t) > 0).all()
assert (np.diff(u) > 0).all()

Log-scale bins (base 10)

Here we compute the cross-correlation on log10-spaced bins.

First we compute the array of lag bins using the function make_loglags:

In [10]:
# compute lags in sec. then convert to timestamp units
bins = pyc.make_loglags(-7, 0, 10) / unit

Then, we compute the cross-correlation using the function pcorrelate:

In [11]:
G = pyc.pcorrelate(t, u, bins)
In [12]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(bins*unit, np.hstack((G[:1], G)), drawstyle='steps-pre')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
#for x in bins[1:]: plt.axvline(x*unit, lw=0.2)  # to mark bins
plt.grid(True); plt.grid(True, which='minor', lw=0.3)
plt.xlim(30e-9, 2)
(3e-08, 2)

Log-scale bins (base 2)

Here we compute the same cross-correlation on log2-spaced bins.

First we compute the array of lag bins using the function make_loglags:

In [13]:
# compute lags directly in timestamp units
bins = pyc.make_loglags(-1, 28, 1, base=2).astype('int')

Then, we compute the cross-correlation using the function pcorrelate:

In [14]:
G = pyc.pcorrelate(t, u, bins)
In [15]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(bins*unit, np.hstack((G[:1], G)), drawstyle='steps-pre')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
#for x in bins[1:]: plt.axvline(x*unit, lw=0.2)  # to mark bins
plt.grid(True); plt.grid(True, which='minor', lw=0.3)
plt.xlim(30e-9, 2)
(3e-08, 2)

Multi-tau bins

Finally, we compute the cross-correlation on arbitrarly-spaced bins. Similar to the multi-tau bins, here we use constant bin size for a number of bins (n_group), then we double the bin size and we keep it constant for another n_group and so on:

In [16]:
n_group = 4
bin_widths = []
for i in range(26):
    bin_widths += [2**i]*n_group
bins = np.hstack(([0], np.cumsum(bin_widths)))

Then, we compute the cross-correlation using the function pcorrelate:

In [17]:
G = pyc.pcorrelate(t, u, bins)
In [18]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(bins*unit, np.hstack((G[:1], G)), drawstyle='steps-pre')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
#for x in bins[1:]: plt.axvline(x*unit, lw=0.2)  # to mark bins
plt.grid(True); plt.grid(True, which='minor', lw=0.3)
plt.xlim(30e-9, 2)
(3e-08, 2)

Test: comparison with np.histogram

For testing alternative (slower) implementations we use smaller input arrays:

In [19]:
tt = t[:5000]
uu = u[:5000]

The algoritm implemented in pycorrelate.pcorrelate can be re-written in a very simple way using numpy.histogram:

In [20]:
# compute lags in sec. then convert to timestamp units
bins = pyc.make_loglags(-7, 0, 10) / unit
In [21]:
Y = np.zeros(bins.size - 1, dtype=np.int64)
for ti in tt:
    Yc, _ = np.histogram(uu - ti, bins=bins)
    Y += Yc
G = Y / np.diff(bins)
In [22]:
assert (G == pyc.pcorrelate(tt, uu, bins)).all()

Test passed! Here we demonstrated that the logic of the algorithm is implemented as described in the paper (and in the few lines of code above).

Tests: comparison with np.correlate

The comparison with np.correlate is a little tricky. First we need to bin our input to create timetraces that can be correlated by linear convolution. For testing purposes, let’s choice some timetrace bins:

In [23]:
binwidth = 50e-6
bins_tt = np.arange(0, tt.max()*unit, binwidth) / unit
bins_uu = np.arange(0, uu.max()*unit, binwidth) / unit
In [24]:
bins_tt.max()*unit, bins_tt.size
(4.1372499999999999, 82746)
In [25]:
bins_uu.max()*unit, bins_uu.size
(1.8020999999999998, 36043)
In [26]:
tx, _ = np.histogram(tt, bins=bins_tt)
ux, _ = np.histogram(uu, bins=bins_uu)

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(bins_tt[1:]*unit, tx)
plt.plot(bins_uu[1:]*unit, ux)
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
Text(0.5,0,'Time (s)')

The plots above are the two curves we are going to feed to np.correlate:

In [27]:
C = np.correlate(ux, tx, mode='full')

We need to trim the result to obtain a proper alignment with the 0-time lag:

In [28]:
Gn = C[tx.size-1:]  # trim to positive time lags

Now, we can check that both numpy.correlate and pycorrelate.ucorrelate give the same result:

In [29]:
Gu = pyc.ucorrelate(tx, ux)
assert (Gu == Gn).all()

Now, let’s compute the correlation also with pycorrelate.pcorrelate:

In [30]:
maxlag_sec = 3.9
lagbins = (np.arange(0, maxlag_sec, binwidth) / unit).astype('int64')
In [31]:
Gp = pyc.pcorrelate(tt, uu, lagbins) * int(binwidth / unit)

Let’s plot a comparison:

In [32]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
Gn_t = np.arange(1, Gn.size+1) * binwidth * 1e3
Gu_t = np.arange(1, Gu.size+1) * binwidth * 1e3
Gp_t = lagbins[1:] * unit * 1e3
plt.plot(Gn_t, Gn, alpha=1, lw=2, label='numpy.correlate')
plt.plot(Gu_t, Gu, alpha=0.6, lw=2, label='pycorrelate.ucorrelate')
plt.plot(Gp_t, Gp, alpha=0.7, lw=2, label='pycorrelate.pcorrelate')
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)', fontsize='large')
plt.xlim(30e-3, 500)
plt.title('pycorrelate.correlate vs numpy.correlate', fontsize='x-large')
plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize='x-large');


  • numpy.correlate and pycorrelate.ucorrelate give identical results, with the latter being much faster. Note that the inputs are swapped between the two functions.
  • pycorrelate.ucorrelate and pycorrelate.pcorrelate agree when using uniform time-lag bins.